Statue of Nabal David in Ness Ziona

Israel Primo’s “David’s Navel” statue is placed in front of the culture center in Nes Ziona. The statue is made by blacksmithing in iron. Its height is about 1.5 meters.

驻住诇 “谞讘诇 讚讜讚” 砖诇 讬砖专讗诇 驻专讬诪讜聽诪讜爪讘 讘讞讝讬转 诪专讻讝 讛转专讘讜转 讘谞住 爪讬讜谞讛. 讛驻住诇 注砖讜讬 讘注讘讜讚转 谞驻讞讬诐 讘讘专讝诇.讙讜讘讛讜 讻- 1.5 诪讟专.聽


The Harp sculpture, at ness ziona city


The Harp sculpture at ness ziona city


The Harp sculpture at ness ziona city