A square of Tomer Bossi Zel in Hadera

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The late Tomer (Zachariah) Bossi
was born and raised in the city of Hadera, an entrepreneur and social activist, a person-lover.
He was seen as a teacher among his acquaintances and friends and was the pillar of the young people in the city of Hadera. He
knew how to connect with people and bring out the best in them.
His huge heart was for everyone and his hand was always outstretched. for help, with his eternal smile that never left his face.
His captivating personality always radiated joy and love, brought hearts closer and left a deep mark on the hearts of many in Israel and abroad.
Tomer – with your passing, your meaning in the lives of all those who are connected to it was strengthened. Your
actions for others will live forever.
People speak, people You are laughing and only your laughter is missing…
Tomer was killed in a car accident on the island of Kitakim in Shivion
05/20/2013 – 11 Sivan 1973
, 28 years old, he was at his death,
may his memory be


The commemorative event in memory of Tomer on the 3rd anniversary of his death

A commemorative plaque in memory of the late Tomer Bossi near the square named after him


A square named after the late Tomer Bossi in Hadera


The inauguration ceremony of the square named after the late Tomer Bossi in Hadera


Commemoration in memory of the late Tomer Bossi in the city of Hadera


A commemoration in memory of Tomer Bossi Z